The Seven Deadly Sins Art Direction

Objective: to artfully educate and muse about the seven deadly sins in an editorial format printed and bound.

This publication involved inception of creative direction and follow through with seven mediums. The art direction I went in was thought provoking and inspired by surrealism. The blurbs I wrote for each sin were rooted in thinking about etymology and history, and the evolution of narrative we experience to this day. Coupled with these written briefs were visual representations of each sin with a dreamlike and uncanny art direction in mind. For Lust, Sigmund Freud in a cat mask on the analyst couch. Sloth melting into the prairie grass with a melting clock. Gluttony typographically represented by balloon letters spelling out “Consume.” Pride featuring a poem by Muhammed Ali, “Me, We.”

The following images are some of those found in the publication; please see below embed to view the tabloid as a whole with writing and layout included.

A flip through of the publication as a whole.


University of Kansas


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